Planning so far: Exploring drawing and printing techniques around a tree theme. Looking at the work of Paul Klee both in terms of technique and imagery. Need to make it accessible and inspiring for all including those who are visually impaired. So use of tactile materials and drawing techniques. Aim of project: Foster confidence New skills Social Play Outcomes: Tree artworks to go in corridor by lounge, with tree elements (leaves, seeds, flowers) and creatures (especially birds) as basis for artwork which explores deeper themes and interests of the resident participants, such as food, special trees they like/remember from their diverse backgrounds. Individual artwork within a collaborative work.
I've been working with year 7 and 8 children from Morpeth School and women at St Hilda's Community Centre in Bethnal Green, to make two large mobiles to hang in the main venue space at Rich Mix Open, over Easter weekend, 14th to 17th March. https://www.richmix.org.uk/festivals/rich-mix-open Just the hanging to do now. 3 tiers and 11 shapes each. Can't wait to see them up. There's 20 of these shapes. Alot made and finished in quick workshops. It's been inspiring sharing and generating ideas with the group at St Hildas. Thank you all those involved! We found a home for these discarded animals. Perfect to go with all the fabulous Columbia Primary birds and flowers, on the Redchurch Street entrance to Rich Mix. Spent today with the 2 year olds at Stamford Hill.
Really pleased with how they reponded to mosaicing on sticky back plastic! Just started a new project with Stamford Hill Primary Early Years, making an apple tree mosaic for the area outside the entrance to their new childcare nursery. Loving these sculptures. The objects were to print in clay for plaques. But first they need to explore...
March 2022
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